+44 (0)1474 661300
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UCARGO founded in 2013 is a Freight Forwarding and Logistics company, our team combined brings many years of industry experience.
With that we have developed networks of suppliers globally, connected worldwide clients & the movement of their cargo and grown from a family start up into an international business.
Having a global presence from the offset, has been instrumental for our development. Swiftly growing from our main office just outside London to needing offices in Hong Kong, China, Brazil, Italy, and Manchester. Our teams work together to provide comprehensive and experienced services for logistics and freight forwarding across several specialised areas of industries.
UCARGO Specialisies in focusing on several different industries requiring niche cargo movements around the world.
Entertainment / Music / Amusement / Project Cargo / Defence
We have a well rounded operational team with the experience to solve all logistical and freight problems.
Our USP is our Flexibility to understand the requirements and nuanced differences that each industry poses. Our global network helps us navigate all the correct channels to provide an educated and professional service that each industry requires.
Having a hands-on approach while working with clients and their complex projects is what sets us apart. Often a representative will be either on site OR port to personally oversee the projects; being able to trouble shoot first hand is instrumental to the service we offer.
Whether on hand personally or not though, all projects are worked with meticulous attention to detail and the 24/7 availability, allowing us to work with the time sensitive and individual needs that the freight forwarding and logistics projects require.
UCARGO itself is a fairly new company, founded in 2013, however the people that have come together to make it thrive are established and experienced, bringing a wealth of industry knowledge and history to the company.
Working in shipping and logistics for 43 years, he has a flair for problem solving, a never giving up attitude, he values a hands on service and most of all building relationships with longevity.
A former group treasurer for corporate finace company, has a professional and business minded attitude with the knowledge of a global market that has aided UCARGO’s growth.
UCARGO Begins…
Both Tony and Paul have known each other for many years in a personal capacity and their idea of forging together their experience, strengths and combined knowledge of business and Shipping to start UCARGO.
Their ying and yang approach to the business has helped UCARGO thrive throughout their years but one thing that has been a constant core value and what sets us apart from other freight forwarding companies is the ability to go the very extra mile for each project; being on site, or on deck even on the ships, has been something we have done from the beginning. It has helped shaped relationships with clients and build a solid reputation in the industry for being able to work round the clock for their projects and something that will continue into the future.